The Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association (ACAPMA) is promoted as the “voice of fuel wholesalers, fuel retailers and contractors”, but what exactly does that mean? Convenience World spoke with ACAPMA CEO Mark McKenzie to find out how the association is representing and supporting the P&C industry.

When and why was ACAPMA first established?
ACAPMA’s history dates back to the establishment of the Victorian Petroleum Agents and Distributors Association in 1976. The original organisation was formally registered as a national industry body, the Australian Petroleum Agents and Distributors Association (APADA), in 1977 and was principally focused on representation of the industrial interests of fuel distribution and fuel retail businesses in Australia. The constitution of APADA was changed as part of a formal filing with the Australian Industrial Relations Commission in 2007 to allow formal industrial representation of fuel retailing businesses in Australia, and was renamed the Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association in 2008.
How has the body evolved over the years to meet the needs of a changing market?
Originally founded to support the business and industrial needs of fuel distribution and fuel wholesale businesses 44 years ago, ACAPMA’s scope of representation and member service offerings have adapted to the changing structure of the market and the needs of the membership. ACAPMA’s focus has evolved with these changes in the market.
Consolidation of fuel businesses in the early 1980s, and the sale of fuel retail businesses by the ‘big four’ fuel companies into the market, resulted in the expansion of ACAPMA’s focus from a sole focus on fuel distribution/wholesale to one embracing the total end stream of the fuel industry (ie, fuel distribution, fuel wholesaling and fuel retailing).
Today, ACAPMA’s members account for an estimated 90 per cent of the fuel wholesale task in Australia and ACAPMA’s retail members directly and indirectly (via associated dealer businesses) account for 74 per cent of the 7040 petrol-convenience sites that operate in Australia.
What are the key issues that ACAPMA is currently addressing with governments and political parties?
Our current advocacy efforts are focused on removing the competition distortion created by wage underpayment in our industry, addressing the rising cost of merchant fees, and ensuring meaningful inclusion of our industry in national policy discussions about the future rollout of electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles. We’re also working closely with the Australian government on the new legislative measures relating to fuel security and fuel quality.
Read the full interview with ACAPMA CEO Mark McKenzie in the July/August issue of Convenience World.