Category: Fuel & Forecourt News

Weekly petrol prices

The average price of unleaded petrol in Australia rose 14.1¢ to 199.1¢ a litre nationally in the week ending 22 May, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s ‘Weekly Petrol Prices’ report. The average national...

Weekly diesel prices

The average weekly diesel fuel price in Australia rose 2¢ to 209.9¢ a litre nationally in the week ending 22 May, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s ‘Weekly Diesel Prices’ report. The average national...

Safety Alert: No DG! Prohibited routes warning

The transport of dangerous goods is, by necessity, a detailed and compliance focused activity that is categorised as High Consequence Low Frequency. So, while incidents are thankfully few, they have the potential to...

NMI driving collaborative compliance

20th May 2022 is World Metrology Day and measurement nerds everywhere (yes, it’s a thing) are celebrating the role that metrology plays in providing people with the confidence that they are getting...

Zombie agreements damage competition

The Fair Work Commission noted it was a “disgrace” that an agreement that has been running for 20 years beyond its nominal expiry date and noted that its lack of penalty rates...

Safety forum sets fuel industry focus

As part of the ongoing commitment to safety and compliance ACAPMA has again taken the Chair duties for the Fuel Industry Safety Forum, the cross jurisdictional stakeholder engagement forum that brings together...

Weekly petrol prices

The average price of unleaded petrol in Australia rose 5.4¢ to 185¢ a litre nationally in the week ending 15 May, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s ‘Weekly Petrol Prices’ report. The average national...

Weekly diesel prices

The average weekly diesel fuel price in Australia rose 7.1¢ to 207.9¢ a litre nationally in the week ending 15 May, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s ‘Weekly Diesel Prices’ report. The average national...
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