Category: Fuel & Forecourt News

Viva Energy to pay full super benefit to part-time parents

Viva Energy Australia, the exclusive licensee to the Shell brand in Australia, has become the first company in Australia to offer employees a full-time superannuation payment of 12 per cent of base...

New fuel reporting laws

The Australian parliament formally passed the Petroleum and Other Fuels Reporting Bill (2017) last week, writes ACAPMA. This bill was developed following extensive consultation with industry and other stakeholders over the past 12...

Queensland to roll out ‘electric-vehicle super highway’

Queensland Environment Minister and Acting Main Roads Minister Steven Miles has announced the launch of what is claimed will be the world’s longest ‘electric super highway’ in one state. He says the series...

Return of the corner store – a quiet revolution?

Corner stores once proliferated across the residential landscape of Australia’s towns and cities: places where kids congregated in front of gumball machines, keenly returning empty glass drink bottles to fund their weekly...

Fuel-price-reporting laws don’t work says OECD

Perhaps one of the biggest frustrations for fuel retailers is the never-ending and circular debate that surrounds average petrol prices, writes ACAPMA. The debate has been raging for so long, with so little...

ACCC: petrol prices up in March quarter

The quarterly average price for petrol in the March quarter of 2017 was 129.1 cents per litre (cpl), which is the highest since the September quarter of 2015 (133.2cpl), according to the...

Workshop on privacy and cyber security in fuel retail

ACAPMA has teamed up with partners Arthur J Gallagher Insurance Brokers and HWL Ebsworth Lawyers to launch breakfast meetings to be held this month in three states, addressing issues that affect fuel...

Budget Petrol launches Fuel 1 card

Gascorp (Budget Petrol Wholesale) launched its premium-diesel offer and Budget Petrol-branded Exxon Mobil Fuel 1 card with a promotional event at its Mascot site in Sydney on Wednesday. Between 10am and 2pm, drivers...
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