Tom’s Confectionery Warehouse in Brisbane has been dramatically transformed, reopening under new management. Owner Adiel Ben-Karmona talks Convenience World through his world of pure imagination.

Around the corner from Brisbane Airport, Tom’s Confectionery Warehouse has been a one-stop shop for sweet-toothed fans for close to four decades. What began with selling a few lollies alongside popcorn from a machine rescued from a scrapyard soon turned into an iconic confectionery business for founder Tom Jeanes.
He made a name for himself by offering an extensive range of confectionery products from around the word and dedicating himself to customers. In the lead-up to Easter, he’d run the business 24 hours a day – sleeping on site – to meet their needs.
Sadly, Mr Jeanes died in June last year after a long illness. The business, which had lapsed without his on-site dedication, was put into liquidation. But local businessman and entrepreneur Adiel Ben-Karmona spotted an opportunity to rescue and revive the warehouse.
Mr Ben-Karmona brought his experience in hospitality (he is the head chef and owner of Pilpel restaurant and catering business in the Redcliffe area north-east of Brisbane) to transform the retail site into a destination. Following a $1.5 million renovation, the doors to the new and improved Tom’s Confectionery Warehouse opened in November 2021.
Read the interview in full in the January/February issue of Convenience World.