In the face of uncertainty communication is the key to achieving clarity. Nowhere is this more important than in the area of the employment agreement. With changes to casual statutory requirements and the new...
The correct employment, payment and management of people is imperative for businesses to get right, but it can be complicated. It becomes even more complicated when engaging persons who are not Adults. All businesses...
As the business operators across the country drown in EOFY paperwork there is one element to employing casual staff that is often overlooked, with disastrous consequences…every business owner should be asking their...
After a long couple of years of dealing with Covid we are all ‘over it’. But as staff shortages continue and the latest wave hits as winter starts to bite managing staff absences...
In yet another case of dodgy employers being caught out a Brisbane fast food business has has been hit with $185,000 in penalties for falsifying pay slips and the company Director has...
A recent case before the full bench of the Fair Work Commission has confirmed that providing notice is about providing the information, not about ensuring the employee understood the information provided. This...