Category: News

7-Eleven encouraged by response to new Wage Repayment Program

More than 190 claims have been lodged in the three weeks since 7-Eleven’s decision to assume responsibility for the repayment process. The total number of wage repayment claims submitted stands at 3,895 (as...

Fair Work Commission increases minimum wage

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has announced an increase of 2.4 per cent in the national minimum wage (NMW) rate to $672.70 a week, a decision that will affect the over 1.86...

New standards for payment surcharges

Following the conclusion of its review into card payment regulation this week, the RBA announced three new standards which it says will contribute to a “more efficient and competitive” payments system. The new...

Partnership brings discounted fuel to indigenous suppliers

BP and Supply Nation have teamed up to bring discounted fuel and other benefits to indigenous businesses in Australia for the first time. The exclusive new offer is available to almost 1,000 Supply...

7-Eleven brings wage claims process in-house

The Fels Panel has ceased deliberations today, with all existing claims continuing to be processed by an independent unit within 7-Eleven. 7-Eleven says the secretariat will operate under enhanced terms of reference and...

One in seven cigarettes consumed last year was illicit

The latest report by KPMG estimating the size and value of the illegal tobacco trade in Australia found that 14 per cent of total tobacco consumption in 2015 was illegal. KPMG estimates that...

Moderate growth in retail sales anticipated

Australian retail sales continue to grow just below trend at a moderate 3.8 per cent for the March quarter of 2016, with easing to 3.3 per cent predicted for the June quarter,...

Caltex Woolworths launches Healthier Bites campaign

Recent customer surveys and NPS scores conducted by Caltex Woolworths have shown customers want a healthy alternative when they come in-store. In response, Caltex Woolworths launched its Healthier Bites campaign on April...
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