Category: ACAPMA Petroleum Industry Report

Chevron fueling flood relief

As the waters rise again in Queensland and NSW, and individuals and businesses face clean up and recovery for a second time in a month, Chevron has continued its long running community...

Case review: is a text a notice?

A recent case before the full bench of the Fair Work Commission has confirmed that providing notice is about providing the information, not about ensuring the employee understood the information provided. This...

Future fuels in Australia (2021 to 2050)

In May 2021, the national consulting firm Ernst & Young (EY) was commissioned by the Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) to model Australia’s future transport fuel use to...

Member Highlight: Wessel Petroleum

Wessel Petroleum has been a fixture in the Australian petroleum industry since its inception in 1947 and 75 years later remains family owned and operated with a third generation of Wessel at...

Safety Highlight: New WA Safety Laws

WAs postponed new Work Health and Safety Act 2020 will now replace all previous acts on 31/3/2022 as will the three Regulatory instruments that underpin the Act; General, Mines and Petroleum. Initially slated...

ACCC says 86% of fuel price outside of the control of retailers

The ACCC has released its Quarterly Report on the petroleum market for the December 2021 quarter and has taken the opportunity to explore both the report findings and the current fuel price...

The new National Petroleum and Convenience Retailer Council

ACAPMA has experienced significant growth in relation to its membership over the past decade. While this growth has improved both the financial strength and the ‘street credibility’ of the organisation as the...

Partner Highlight: Wayne Fueling Systems

The Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS) group has been in operation for over 130 years, delivering fuel dispensing and management systems. The extensive integrated stable of fuel and equipment brands includes the Wayne Fueling...
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