Category: ACAPMA Petroleum Industry Report

Safety Highlight: unqualified contractor and tank test fail leads to massive fines

Following a tank integrity test that resulted in an explosion that hurled an 83kg chunk of metal hundreds of metres away into a public street damaging vehicles and resulting in minor injuries...

Salary Workshop latest in ACAPMA Employment Masterclass series

A salary is an annual amount that provides compensation for the work of an employee, but it is not a number that can be picked for the air and then applied. Ensuring...

Wage underpayment and fair competition

Instances of systemic and deliberate wage underpayment in the Australia fuel industry were first revealed to the Australian public via the ABC’s ‘Four Corners’’ expose of wage underpayment practices in the fuel...

HR Highlight: Swapping Easter for Ramadan

As the hot cross buns and chocolate eggs dominate the promotional sections of retail stores across the country and the Easter public holidays are just around the corner, it is also the...

NSW DG Regulation changes open for consultation

As part of the usual remaking of regulations, the NSW Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Regulation 2014 is set to be remade.  Changes have been proposed that will impact fuel wholesale,...

Safety Highlight: LPG decanting incident leads to massive fines

Dangerous goods delivery, the transfer of dangerous goods in bulk quantities and in retail settings are a high consequence activity that must come with abundantly clear instructions, training and protocols. A recent case...

Fuel excise fall-out (Budget 2022)

As the industry continued to recover from the financial consequences of a two-year pandemic, was restoring critical fuel services in major flood areas in Eastern Australia, and fuel businesses were grappling with...

Easter public holidays

Hopes are high for a bumper Easter trading period, so now is the time to check in with public holiday requirements to ensure sites and trucks are staffed, but as always managing...
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