Category: ACAPMA Petroleum Industry Report

HR Highlight: over and underpayment

With the often-complicated employment environment it is not uncommon for honest errors to be made when processing payroll. While these errors are almost always made without malice or intent, it is important for...

Training records trump negligence claims

Record keeping is a requirement for so much of employment and training is no different. It is vital to not just training staff in the risks, hazards and controls associated with their...

Proposed changes to NSW Environmental Laws

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (NSWEPA) has recently completed a comprehensive review of a critical piece of environmental legislation that has significant implications for all elements of the fuel supply chain. This...

Shell Card Go, powered by P97 Networks Designs

Shell Card Go App has launched, delivering contactless mobile payments to the prolific fleet card users. Allowing authorised drivers to pay for fuel at Shell, Liberty and Coles Express sites the app streamlines...

HR Highlight: Surprise performance meeting led to psychological injury

A recent case in the NSW Personal Injury Commission has again highlighted the importance of providing appropriate notice of a performance management meeting after it was found that a surprise meeting resulted...

Case Review: $1K underpayment leads to $14K in fines

In a recent case before the Federal Court a Sydney cafe that underpaid its staff around $1k has been required to pay the employees what they were due plus superannuation as well...

QLD Member Roadshow

After years of interruption and constant change events are back and so are the ACAPMA Roadshows. Kicking off with Queensland the ACAPMA Roadshows are an opportunity for Members to engage directly with their...

Partner Highlight: Shipman King

An Australian manufacturing success for almost 100 years, Shipman King is supplying equipment and innovation to the Australian and international fuel, mining, defence and telco industries. Long term ACAPMA Member Shipman King...
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