Tag: small business

JobTrainer skills package meets the needs of SMEs

Media Release  The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell has welcomed the federal government’s $2 billion JobTrainer skills package, saying it will deliver the skilled workers that SMEs need. The JobTrainer...

Retail and commercial leasing law changes

A number of significant changes to retail and commercial leasing laws come into effect tomorrow, which will provide greater protections for tenants. “These changes are the result of a very comprehensive and extensive...

Perks of social start-ups

Have you ever thought about beginning your own social start-up business? Turns out, it’s a lot more beneficial than previously thought! A world-first study has found that social venture start-ups can alleviate social...

Stress meets small businesses

It may come as no surprise but two thirds (66%) of small businesses feel COVID-19 has impacted their mental wellbeing, according to new research presented by MYOB. Additionally, 58% reveal the pandemic has...

Digital vouchers used to help small businesses

Payment and marketing service providers for small businesses, Live group, has launched a new digital voucher platform. The digital platform aims to specifically help Australian SMEs through COVID-19. The Live local platform is designed...

Small businesses urged to apply quickly for JobKeeper

There are reports that many small businesses may not be applying for the JobKeeper payment because they can’t pay staff by 30 April. The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombusman, Kate Carnell...

SMB Digital will launch in November

From 17 to 18 November 2020, SMB Digital will launch in Sydney. The event will shine a light on technology solutions that can aid business growth for small and medium professional services businesses. IT...

Suncorp announces insurance relief

The Small Business COVID-19 Relief Package launched by Suncorp Group aims to support small and medium-sized business insurance customers impacted by coronavirus. The package includes a premium deferral, meaning Vero, GIO, AAMI and...

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