
Tag: SDA

Retailers respond to SDA’s Fair Work Commission bid on junior wage rates

The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) says the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association’s (SDA) latest bid to launch a Fair Work Commission (FWC) case to abolish junior rates for workers aged between...

Retailers welcome Victoria’s new laws to protect retail staff

The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has welcomed the Victorian Government’s plans to introduce legislation to implement tougher penalties for people who assault or abuse retail workers. The landmark reforms, that plan to be introduced in 2025 to...

$6m campaign addresses retail crime

A national campaign across Australian shopping centres has seen an estimated 200 million customers viewing messages aimed at reducing retail crime and ensuring retail workers are treated with respect. Shopping centres ran the...

ARA and SDA urge government to get tough on aggressive behaviour

The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) and the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA) are urging state and territory governments across the country to implement tougher penalties for people who assault retail...

Industry calls for respect from shoppers

The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) and the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA) are pleading for civility and mutual respect amid a spike in customer aggression throughout the Christmas shopping period. ARA...

ALDI $10 million underpayment finding

A decision at the Federal Circuit Court has ordered ALDI to rectify an underpayment of up to 4000 warehouse workers for unpaid ‘pre-work’ checks that at the Court has found to constitute...

Union calls for vaccine access for fast food workers

Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (SDA) is calling for the Pfizer vaccination to be made accessible for fast food workers as a matter of priority, following 12 confirmed cases at a...

Industry groups welcome assistance measures for businesses

Industry groups the National Retail Association (NRA) and the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA) have welcomed the latest round of assistance measures for businesses in key parts of the country. The assistance measures...

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