The prestigious 38th Activate Joe Berry Award is well underway, with an invitation still open for driven writers to submit their entries. This esteemed accolade is accessible to all young professionals under...
The second edition of the ‘Activate Industry Report’ has a focus on key activities in market events and looks at some opinions not often heard. Specifically, the changes in technology for agriculture,...
Activate Group Australia Chairman and CEO (and Joe Berry Award convenor) Keith Quigg says judging for the Joe Berry Awards was like a homecoming.
“Walking into the Coca Cola offices after a three-year...
Activate Group Australia has launched the inaugural ‘Activate Industry Report’, said to be creating a new level of communication across the Australian retail industry.
The 50-page report offers highly informative articles on the...
Activate Group Australia announces the launch of the bi-annual ‘Activate Industry Report’ which will be released in March 2022. The Report will cover topical issues in grocery, pharmacy, liquor, convenience and hardware...
Activate Group Australia presented the 35th Joe Berry Award on 15 July via Zoom.
“While we had planned for an in-room judging the obvious restrictions meant we would repeat the program from 2020....