Australia’s economy will continue to underperform and small businesses will fall further behind their international counterparts without an urgent change of course, says CPA Australia.
The professional accounting body is calling on the...
New research comparing global government support for alternative proteins finds Australia in last place among 10 countries.
Food Frontier’s ‘Government support for alternative proteins scorecard’ reveals that countries including Singapore, Israel, the...
The first stage of Australia’s new vaping reforms are set to commence on 1 January.
These reforms, according to the federal government, will protect Australians, particularly young people, from the harms of vaping...
The federal government says it’s taking strong action to reduce smoking and stamp out vaping – particularly among young Australians – through stronger legislation, enforcement, education and support.
The 2023-24 Budget will include...
The NSW government has announced a review of the NSW Retail Leases Act 1994, which impacts landlords, investors and retail tenants.
Minister for Small Business Victor Dominello says it’s timely to review the Act...
The 20 “leading” public health bodies behind Rethink Sugary Drink are urging the next federal government to prioritise a levy on sugary drinks to address Australia's growing obesity crisis.
According to data released...
With Omicron causing disruption to retail, hospitality and tourism businesses, a coalition of peak industry groups is calling for urgent government action around six priority areas to prevent business collapse.
The Australian Retailers...
The NSW government has committed to halving emissions by 2030. This is under updated projections and objectives released today as part of the ‘Net Zero Plan: Stage 1 Implementation Update’.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian...