Tag: fuel

Ampol takes next step in reconciliation journey

Ampol has released its second innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), setting out commitments to support better opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across employment, procurement, cultural awareness and community engagement. Forming...

IRI launches quarterly event series ‘Ideas to Activate’

IRI has launched an innovative series of educational events ‘Ideas to Activate’ for the FMCG retail sector to address trends, opportunities and issues impacting retail. The events will be held online on a...

Retail recovery continues with sales up 1.8% in February

Australian retail turnover increased 1.8% in February 2022, seasonally adjusted, according to the Retail Trade figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The February result follows a 1.6% rise in...

First ZERO% by Dan Murphy’s bar opens

Dan Murphy’s has today opened the doors to its very first bar, ZERO% by Dan Murphy’s in Hampton, Melbourne. Patrons can choose from a menu of over 30 zero alcoholic* drinks to...

Amazon to open sort centre in Melbourne

Amazon Australia will open a sort centre, Amazon’s fifth operations site in Victoria, at Goodman Group’s new Amaroo Business Park in Craigieburn, Melbourne this year. The new purpose-built site will be the...

Case review: is a text a notice?

A recent case before the full bench of the Fair Work Commission has confirmed that providing notice is about providing the information, not about ensuring the employee understood the information provided. This...

Future fuels in Australia (2021 to 2050)

In May 2021, the national consulting firm Ernst & Young (EY) was commissioned by the Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) to model Australia’s future transport fuel use to...

Weekly petrol prices

The average price of unleaded petrol in Australia rose 14.9¢ to 212.5¢ a litre nationally in the week ending 20 March, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s ‘Weekly Petrol Prices’ report. The average national...

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