Tag: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

ACCC Supermarket Inquiry highlights need for continuing vigilance to support fairness

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Supermarket Inquiry report confirms that the supermarket sector is highly concentrated and unduly challenging for small business suppliers, says the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise...

Petrol prices rise due to international crude oil prices

Higher petrol prices in Australia’s largest capital cities in March 2021 quarter, has occurred due to cuts in oil production by the OPEC cartel and other big producers. This is in combination with...

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Mark McKenzie CEO Mark McKenzie is CEO of ACAPMA. He has 30 years of varied experience in private and public-sector roles, with much of this time spent addressing strategic issues and public policy for...

Petrol prices low, but margins high

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) June quarter 2017 report on the Australian petroleum industry shows low petrol prices, but high retail margins. According to the ACCC, petrol prices were at the...

ACCC flags concerns about BP’s proposed acquisition of Woolworths sites

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) says the proposed acquisition by BP Australia Pty Ltd of Woolworths Limited’s network of retail service-station sites may substantially lessen competition for the retail supply...

ACCC rules out tobacco companies acting together

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is denying authorisation for British American Tobacco Australia (BATA), Imperial Tobacco Australia (ITA) and Philip Morris Ltd (PML) jointly to cease supplying retailers or wholesalers they...

Regional petrol market study announced for Cairns

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has confirmed that Cairns will be the fourth regional location to be studied as part of the petrol-monitoring arrangements introduced by the Australian Government in December...

ACCC urges businesses to check their contracts are fair

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging businesses to review closely the standard-form contracts they use when dealing with other businesses. A new law that offers small businesses protection against unfair contract...

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