Category: Fuel & Forecourt News

Weekly diesel prices

The average price of diesel fuel in Australia rose 2.5¢ to 152.7¢ a litre nationally in the week ending May 27, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s ‘Weekly Diesel Prices’ report. The...

Weekly petrol prices

The average price of unleaded petrol in Australia rose 9.6¢ to 153.4¢ a litre nationally in the week ending May 27, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s ‘Weekly Petrol Prices’ report. The...

UK petrol prices on the rise for 59 days straight

The latest RAC Fuel Watch data has shown that UK supermarkets raised the price of petrol and diesel every single day from March 26 to May 23. In those 59 days, the...

Weekly petrol prices

The average price of unleaded petrol in Australia fell 1.4¢ to 143.8¢ a litre nationally in the week ending May 20, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s ‘Weekly Petrol Prices’ report. The...

Petrol fill-ups emptying pockets faster

Motorists across Australia are being urged to fill up now or face the cost of being patient as fuel prices are set to soar above a four-year high. Unleaded prices at some petrol...

Weekly petrol prices

The average price of unleaded petrol in Australia fell 1.1¢ to 145.2¢ a litre nationally in the week ending May 13, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum’s ‘Weekly Petrol Prices’ report. The...

ACAPMA: budget and business

Last week saw the release of the federal budget and the opposition reply. There is a lot of talk of winners and losers across the community, and while the focus has been...

ACCC Report reveals huge petrol retailer price differences

A new in-depth petrol report published by the ACCC this month has suggested that prices for petrol vary significantly by retailer, with Coles Express cited as the most expensive on average across...
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