Category: Business News

Case Review: $1K underpayment leads to $14K in fines

In a recent case before the Federal Court a Sydney cafe that underpaid its staff around $1k has been required to pay the employees what they were due plus superannuation as well...

QLD Member Roadshow

After years of interruption and constant change events are back and so are the ACAPMA Roadshows. Kicking off with Queensland the ACAPMA Roadshows are an opportunity for Members to engage directly with their...

Welcome change to isolation rules across Victoria and NSW

Retailers welcome the announcement to change close contact isolation rules in Victoria and NSW this weekend. National Retail Association CEO Dominique Lamb says the impact of isolation rules has been devastating for the...

Retailers to enjoy Easter spending

Australians are taking advantage of the upcoming Easter long weekend with $7.1 billion predicted to be spent on trips away in a major boost for retailers. Easter Saturday is one of the top...

Support small and family businesses this Easter

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Bruce Billson has urged consumers to consciously spend with small and family businesses this weekend, amid predictions of a bumper Easter. “Small and family businesses...

Wage underpayment and fair competition

Instances of systemic and deliberate wage underpayment in the Australia fuel industry were first revealed to the Australian public via the ABC’s ‘Four Corners’’ expose of wage underpayment practices in the fuel...

HR Highlight: Swapping Easter for Ramadan

As the hot cross buns and chocolate eggs dominate the promotional sections of retail stores across the country and the Easter public holidays are just around the corner, it is also the...

Castrol appoints new CEO

BP has announced that BP's executive for Castrol Mandhir Singh will retire at the end of September 2022. Following a 32-year career with BP, and over 20 years with Castrol, Mr Mandhir leaves...
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